
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Three Things Thursday - Tree Trimming, Yard Cleanup, and Little Shopping Carts

1.  A few weeks ago my hubby trimmed our trees.  He was super happy that I wanted to document the occasion with a picture.  You can see in the below picture that he telling me how happy he is about it!  :)

2.  After the trimming of the trees, we decided we had quite a bit of garbage laying around the yard that we needed to get rid of.  Nathan brought a dumpster home and we spent some time cleaning up the yard.  I wish that I could tell you that our whole family sang happy songs and worked hard until it was all done.  Not us.  There was complaining, yelling and bad attitudes.  You can count on me and my family to keep it real.  It was nice to have it all done though.

Even one of Isaac's friends pitched in to help.  He might have been the only person who didn't complain and yell....

3.  Took this little cutie to the grocery store with me.

She loves to push around the little carts, and she looks super cute doing so. :)
She also loves to run into things and people with the little shopping cart. oops!

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