
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lagoon 2014 - a photo gallery of our day

Every year my mom's work has a Lagoon Day.  We love it!  This past Saturday, after I ran the Mt Nebo Half, we headed to Lagoon.

Because I was a little tired, I spent the majority of the day with Clara on the kiddie rides.  That is why the majority of my pictures are of her.  Thanks to Roni for some of these pictures.

Nathan captured this hilarious video of Clara on Bombora.

 Jared and Ethan got stuck on the top of a ride and had to walk down the stairs.

Jared used his own money and won this stuffed squid for Clara.  What a great brother!

Isaac and Ethan on the Rocket: Blast Off

We had a great time.

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I've rambled long enough, why don't you ramble and tell me what's on your mind.