
Friday, September 5, 2014

Lesson: Why You Should Use a Knife Proportional to the Job at Hand

If you are trying to cut the plastic off of a small package, you should use a knife proportional to the job.

Maybe a small pocket knife, or a Leatherman.  But, NOT A BUCK KNIFE!!

While we were camping this past weekend, this scenario played out for my son, Jared, with less than satisfactory results.

It resulted in a quick trip down the canyon for some stitches.  **WARNING, some pretty graphic pictures follow, so proceed at your own risk!

 He was not amused with my picture taking!

Waiting for some stitches.

The wound prior to shots.

From a different angle.  The fatty cells popping out are my favorite part.

After some shots and prior to stitches.  You really should zoom in on this one and make that puppy big.  So interesting.  Unfortunately, it was so wide that the stitches kept ripping through the skin...

After all 8 stitches were in.  Technically this was the next day, but I wanted to put it in here.

Once we were done, it was back up the canyon to finish our camping trip.

1 comment:

  1. You know, you don't really think about thumbs and fingers having fat in them. Very interesting!


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