
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Jared's 14th Birthday & A Quick Boating Trip

Last weekend, Jared turned 14 years old.  For his birthday, we borrowed a boat and went to Strawberry Reservoir to play in the water.

Unfortunately, the boat was taking on water, so our trip was short, but we still had a great time.  The weather was awesome!!

To keep Clara's hair under control, I did a little fauxhawk.  It turned out super cute!

All the kiddos

 After playing on the water, we went and got lunch.  Jared said that it was a great day.  I failed and forgot to get a picture of him with his birthday cake.  I'm fired!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to School We Go

Sent 3 of my 4 kids back to school this morning.  Well, technically Isaac went back yesterday.

Jared is in 8th, Isaac in 7th and Amelia is in 4th.  Clara starts her second year of preschool after Labor Day.

Take a trip down memory lane with our other back to school pictures.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Timp Half Marathon 2015

I'm a little behind on my blogging.  A couple of weeks ago I ran the Timp Half Marathon.  It was beautiful!  I was nursing a knee injury and it started to get stiff and sore around mile 8-9, but I said a quick prayer and pushed on and the pain left.

A quick shot I took while running.  The sun was just starting to peak up over the mountain behind me.

My friend Sara was waiting for me at the finish line.  Love that girl!

Nathan was stuck in traffic and arrived shortly after I finished.  Love that man and his support of my hobby!

This was the first race that I have run alone.  While I definitely enjoy the company of a friend while riding the bus to the starting line and waiting for the race to start, it wasn't so bad being alone.

I was really pleased with my finish time and how good I felt after the run.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Isaac's Trip to Washington

Isaac went to Washington state with Nathan's dad to visit family.  Nathan's sister Tiffany and her two kids live in Washington and Isaac had a great time visiting and sight-seeing with his cousins.

They saw the Seattle Temple.

They went on a hike.

They also crossed the border into Canada.  Isaac was super surprised to discover that there is a Walmart in Canada!

Also, while Richard and Isaac were there, Tiffany had a baby girl.  Presley Addison was born August 2nd.  Isaac was immediately smitten.

He had a great time with Pa and his cousins.