
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Jesus Christ's visit to Ancient America

I've been pondering a bit about how it would have felt to be alive at the time of Christ's visit to ancient America. ⁠⠀

The people had been through a literal nightmare. Destruction and devastation that I can't even begin to fathom. Death, darkness, and despair. Even those who believed in Jesus Christ were experiencing these awful circumstances. In those desperate moments, did they remember Samuel the Lamanite had prophesied that it would only last three days? Did it seem to go on longer than that? Did they begin to doubt that they would ever be delivered?⁠ Did they begin to feel that Samuel was wrong?⁠⠀
Then, I can only imagine what that voice from heaven would have sounded and felt like! At first, they didn't understand. But when they turned their faces towards the sound and opened their hearts and minds to hear, they knew Christ was coming.⁠⠀
And then there He was to rescue them in their circumstances. To bring them hope and light once more. They stood in His presence. He blessed them, healed them, taught them, had compassion on them, and loved them. After such bitter pain, distress, and anguish, I can only imagine the joy, peace, and comfort they felt with their Savior. I can only imagine!!⁠⠀
#JesusChrist #ComeFollowMe⁠ #ICanOnlyImagine⁠⠀
🖼️ by @jkirkrichards "Every Knee Shall Bow"

Friday, August 14, 2020

Sneaking into Borders and Securing Strongholds

”And thus because of iniquity amongst themselves, yea, because of dissensions and intrigue among themselves they were placed in the most dangerous circumstances.” -Alma 53:9

While reading the account of Pahoran, the king-men, and the freemen, I found many parallels to our time. Although people are not seeking a king, they do seek the same thing the king-men were seeking - power and authority. While fighting amongst themselves, their enemies, the Lamanites, invaded the bordering lands, killing many, taking women and children prisoner, and securing strongholds.

We live in a very turbulent time. There are so many voices, opinions, and causes that vie for our time and attention. Social media makes it almost impossible to wade through what is real and what is not. So much of the information we are barraged with is confusing or altogether unreliable. It’s heartbreaking to see family, friends, and neighbors fighting amongst each other and developing hard feelings where there was once love and mutual respect. I have found myself, at times, feeling distracted towards anger and pride rather than focusing on how I can be loving, tolerant, and focused on my Savior, Jesus Christ.

It’s normal for us to form opinions and to do what we feel is best for ourselves and our families. But we would do well to remember that we are still commanded to be kind and loving. “And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in equity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth the all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” -Moroni 7:45

I am grateful that before any of this, our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, asked us to increase our capacity to receive personal revelation and to focus on how we Hear Him. I know that as we keep our focus on our Savior and His perfect example, we can have peace and hope even during difficult times. 🧡

#comefollowme #comefollowme2020 #thebookofmormon #bookofmormon

Monday, August 10, 2020

A new take on a well-known story

artwork credit

Alma 53:19, “And now behold, as they never had hitherto been a disadvantage to the Nephites, they became now at this period of time also a great support...”


I’ve never considered this verse before. Probably because it’s smack in the middle of some of the more well-known verses about the stripling warriors.

However, this time, it caught my attention. In speaking about the people of Ammon, we learn that the Nephites had never considered them a disadvantage. The Nephites had taken in the Ammonites and given them lands for their inheritance. Also, from that time forward, they protected them from the Lamanites at great personal cost. But, they had never been considered a disadvantage!

Now, when the Nephites found themselves in “dangerous circumstances,” the Ammonites were able to offer support by way of their young sons. Wow! What a lesson we can learn from this account about our attitude while serving others.

How often do we see meeting another’s needs as a burden or a chore, especially when those needs might come at the cost of our time, talents, or energy? When we minister to those we are assigned, do we see it only as a sacrifice? Do we feel disadvantaged and begrudgingly serve out of a sense of duty?

As I choose to serve with a heart of love and kindness, I build valuable, lasting relationships that can be symbiotic. Service and sacrifice cannot always be reciprocated in like manner, but if my intentions are pure, I can gain strength and hope from individuals I have served when I need it most.
Artwork credit: They Did Not Doubt by Joseph Brickey
#comefollowme #comefollowme2020 #theydidnotdoubt #thebookofmormon #bookofmormon

Monday, July 27, 2020

"He finds us. He makes us whole."

“He finds us. He makes us whole.”


This is one of two talks from this past April #generalconference that I have listened to over and over.

I’ve often wondered why Jesus Christ would retain the marks of the crucifixion when we are promised in Alma 40:23, “every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame.”

Because of this scripture, I concluded that Christ’s “proper and perfect frame” must include the marks he gained from His Atonement. I am grateful that Elder Gong took it a bit further and has helped me understand why.

“Hosanna is our plea for God to save. Hallelujah expresses our praise to the Lord for the hope of salvation and exaltation.” “He lives—not only then, but now; not just for some, but for all. He came and comes to heal the brokenhearted, deliver the captives, recover sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are bruised. That’s each of us. His redeeming promises apply, no matter our past, our present, or concerns for our future.”

“He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the author and finisher of [MY] faith.”
@gerritwgong #comefollowme #comefollowme2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Warm Fire, Loaves, Fishes and Peace

After the resurrection and ascension of Christ into heaven, Peter and some of His fellow disciples, perhaps feeling alone, abandoned, and lost, went back to what they knew - fishing. They spent a dark night on the water and were unsuccessful in catching any fish. As the dawn approached, they noticed someone standing on the shore. The person calls them “children” and asks if they have any meat. The disciples respond that they do not, and the figure directs them to cast their nets on the right side of the ship. They do, and just as before, they catch many fish. As the disciples realize this person is Jesus Christ, Peter jumps from the boat and swims to shore, and he is soon joined by the other disciples. We read how they were greeted, on shore, by the Savior in John 21:9 - “As soon as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.”

When I read this verse, I feel a powerful witness born to my heart that our Savior’s love for us, regardless of where we are in life and regardless of how obediently we are following Him, is constant and perfect! He knew the disciples had been out on the water all night. He knew they were not preaching repentance and remission of sins among all nations, as he had commanded them prior to his ascension. He knew they were tired, sad, frustrated, cold, and hungry. As soon as they turned to Him, he provided them with what they needed IN THAT MOMENT - a warm fire of coals, fish ready to eat, bread, and the peace of His presence.
Regardless of where I am in life, regardless of how obedient I am right now, my Savior’s love for me is constant! He knows what I need and how best to meet me where I am! The minute I have a desire to believe and turn to Him, he will meet me with a warm fire, fish, bread, and peace. But I must make the first move.
Your warm fire, fish, and bread may look very different than mine. But I know the Lord loves you and wants to bless you with what you need. Turn to Him! 🧡