isaac was so cute this morning. when he saw what jared was wearing, he went and got his sweatshirt too. he starts preschool next week.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
first day of kindergarten
isaac was so cute this morning. when he saw what jared was wearing, he went and got his sweatshirt too. he starts preschool next week.
Monday, August 27, 2007
my nathan - spoiler alert: the following could be sappy

yes that is nathan on the right with some great hair
nathan's senior picture - what he looked like when i first met him
a few reasons i love my husband:
the thing that attracted me to him in the beginning was how laid back he was about almost everything. now, sometimes (read, most of the time) it really gets on my nerves because i want him to be as crazy and passionate about everything as i am. but, i still love that he really couldn't care less about a lot of things.
how shy he can be around everyone but me. i feel like i have a backstage pass to a concert where occasionally the bouncer lets me through a door no one else is allowed into. once i am back there, the place is phenomenal.
my nathan is a handy man. there has not been a single thing that i have asked him to do that he hasn't been able to figure out. from running new electrical cables for a light to making a built in entertainment center from scratch, to installing tile and kitchen faucets and figuring out why the cable is not working.
he is a very compassionate father.
that 3 of the 6 pictures that nathan actually smiled in are featured above. the others are our wedding invitation and a couple of wedding pictures. i don't know why i love him for that, but i do.
even though he is losing his hair and has gained 2 or 3 pounds since we met, i still find him HOT! and best of all after 3 children (read, shrinking saggy boobs and a mom butt) he still finds me HOT!
he puts up with all my Sh!t and knows all the terrible things about me... and he still loves me and wants to be with me.
he is my best friend. i tell him things i would never dream of telling anyone else and even when we are really upset with each other, i still want to cuddle up with him in bed. even if he says it is too hot.
Friday, August 24, 2007
who does amelia look like?
I thought for a while that amelia looked exactly like jared, but it is clear from these pictures that she does not. however, she does look more like jared than isaac. isaac is just his own breed... he is such a cutie. but then again so are all of my kids.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
it's official... i am getting old
this is the random darth vader cake that he wanted. he has never shown any interest in the man before this cake.
i love my children.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
new family pictures

Friday, August 10, 2007
president james e faust

As a small boy on the farm during the searing heat of the summer, I remember my grandmother Mary Finlinson cooking our delicious meals on a hot woodstove. When the wood box next to the stove became empty, Grandmother would silently pick up the box, go out to refill it from the pile of cedar wood outside, and bring the heavily laden box back into the house. I was so insensitive and interested in the conversation in the kitchen, I sat there and let my beloved grandmother refill the kitchen wood box. I feel ashamed of myself and have regretted my omission for all of my life. I hope someday to ask for her forgiveness."
Thursday, August 9, 2007
we've lost the second tooth

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
dinner with nate's parents
before his parents left, we snapped a couple pictures of the kids with their pa and nana.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
our first tooth fairy visit

last thursday, while at pa's house, jared's bottom-left tooth came loose while eating corn on the cob. jared played with it all night and all the next day until around 4:30 pm when he finally yanked it out. nathan snapped this picture with his camera phone right afterward.
a couple of days later, (i kept forgetting to remind him to put the tooth under his pillow) the tooth fairy came to visit and left jared 4 quarters. he was so excited.
Friday, August 3, 2007
i need a new nanny
i will miss how clean my house is when i come home though.

so if anyone knows anyone who wants to watch 3 kids a couple times a week, let me know.